- Written by Peer Benchmarking Workgroups
Better strategic planning
Better strategic planning is not done alone, It has been proven that peer roundtable think tanks are the secret to successful businesses. Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon produces the peer group opportunities for you to begin strategic thinking and strategic planning strength. Call to begin.
strategic marketing measured
Setting forth your strategic marketing from results that have been measured and determined to work is the mark of one of the sound strategies for business. Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon defines and teaches facilitated strategic planning success with your peers in non-competing markets. Call for details.
Think tank sales strategy
There is nothing better or more supportive than think tank sales strategy done at the roundtable with your peers. This type of strategic consulting results in no mistake strategic planning based on the results of your peer group of 10-12 in the same field as you. Begin peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon.
Posted in Business Tools