- Written by webster
Law and health records
Law and health records is an important topic in medical practices and a major part of smooth management of the office. In Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon this and other tough topics are tackled in a roundtable of your peer physicians for measured results you can use as emr systems and
health records, call for details.
Storage of emr
emr storage is the newer and more streamlined way of keeping track of your patients information. Those who have not yet embraced it is way behind in today’s practice. Those who use emr and also use it in medical billing and health records also have to stay current. Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon is the answer to both.
medical electronic records technology
Technology is constantly changing in regard to medical electronic records. New medical software is revolutionizing maintaining health records. Keep current with Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon and your peer roundtable group, call now.
Posted in Business Tools